How To Care For Whitened Teeth
How To Care For Whitened Teeth Regular brushing and flossing of the teeth are dental care habits that have a lot of advantages. These essential oral hygiene habits help protect the teeth from infections, eliminate disease-causing agents, and even influence the color of the teeth. To an extent, clean white teeth tell a lot about the state of an individual’s dental health. This is why babies are born with whiter teeth as a result of their thin enamel. Baby teeth, popularly known as “milk teeth,” are very white and, with proper maintenance, will continue to look so before they fall out. In the absence of severe dental conditions that influence the color of the teeth, the permanent teeth upon eruption should be white. However, they might not be as white as the baby teeth because they possess thicker enamels. The teeth are used in daily activities for chewing food, and with consistent use, they tend to deteriorate in color. The causes of brown or yellow teeth can be intrinsic, extrins...